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About Karen

"A person's name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. It is the most important word in the world to that person. It is the one way we can easily get someone's attention. When someone remembers our name after meeting us, we feel respected and more important.” I was thinking just this morning about a friend I haven’t seen in a long time. Her name is Karen.  She’s one of the most amazing ladies I know. She was the director of a Ronald McDonald House. She often used her home for fundraising for different non profits. Every time there was an event at our church, she was there working very hard behind the scenes to make sure it went on without a hitch. She and her firefighter husband adopted three children from foster care. I wonder how it makes her feel to know her name has become synonymous with the exact opposite of the kind of person she is. I have a friend from high school whose name is Karen. She lives in the same area as my 90 year old ...

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