Merry and Bright
Bear with me--it will take me a minute to get to IT. And I want you to get IT.
It’s taken me half a century to understand this simple truth about the way I see others.
If I look at you and criticize, mock, or have a negative reaction or opinion of you in any way for what you just did or said, how you look or dress, your opinions, your political viewpoint, your religion, race, or really any other reason, I’ve revealed two things about myself.
One-I’ve just broadcast the level of my self-esteem. I’ll just leave that there...
Two-I’ve exposed the fact that I have very little understanding of the One who gave up a throne where He was seated at the right hand of God come into the world in the most humble way imaginable for the King of Kings.
If I truly get it—why Jesus bothered to come at all, why He gave up so much, I would only be able to see you through His eyes of compassion and grace.
At this time of year, it’s easy to leave out the reality of Jesus’s sacrifice. We love the story of His birth, but we don’t often add the “why” to the mix. You are the why. I am the why.
To help me nail my point, let me share a Christmas scripture you’ll never see on a Christmas card.
Read it several times. Out loud.
Therefore, when Christ came into the world, He said, “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You prepared for Me. With burnt offerings and sin offerings You were not pleased. Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about Me in the scroll—I have come to do Your will, O God.’” Heb. 10:5-7 NIV
Did you get it? He willingly came as a human—as an innocent, spotless Lamb to be a sacrifice. Do you get the WHY? Because of His passionate love for YOU and ME!
So when I look at you, I look at me. When I point at you in a negative way, I point at myself and my own great inadequacies.
But when I see you through WHY Jesus came into the world and was born in a dirty, smelly stable, then I can only see you like I should see me. With compassion, grace and the desire that we both would grow in the knowledge of Jesus and His birth, life, death, and resurrection!
And as my New Year resolution, I will do my best to always see you like this! With eyes of love for you...
With that, I wish you and your family a beautiful celebration this Christmas! May it truly be Merry and Bright.
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