Penn is Moved by a Christian

Don't we all have those times when the door opens even a little for us to share the Gospel, and we warily and reluctantly walk away from it? Check out this video. Penn (of Penn and Teller) is sharing an experience he had as a man approached him after a show. Penn is actually being sincere, so it seems. A self-proclaimed atheist, it seems he was truly touched by this man.

Usually raunchy and cynical at best, Penn describes his experience and reaction. It's obvious a seed was planted, and I pray that it takes root in this man's heart. Pray with me, won't you?

Watch as Penn shares his own unique wisdom as to why Christians SHOULD and MUST share their faith! It will move you to increase your boldness, ask the Lord for more of those open doors, and pray for words of gold in settings of silver for each person you meet in this life. If we really believe as we say we believe, then we will certainly understand that we need to share much more of the faith and the God we love so very much...Thank you, Mr. Penn...


  1. Haven't watched the video yet, but your point is well taken and right on the money.


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