What Were You Thinking??

Our thoughts, words, and deeds are like seeds we sow. And although we may be able to outwardly control many of our words and deeds, it can be our thoughts and imagination that need work. An unleashed thought life will, sooner or later, play out in our words and deeds.
2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to take our thoughts captive because this part of our lives can lead us into trouble or triumph!
What are you thinking about? It may seem a strange thing to do, but become super conscious and vigilant about your thought life. It can reveal your strengths and weaknesses, how you view your world and the people in it, and the kind of harvest you may be expecting.
Whenever you need to, take those unproductive, negative, angry, dark, fear-filled, thoughts captive, replacing them with that which is positive, beautiful, and in line with Philippians 4:8!
Luke 6:35, Eph. 4:32, Prov 11:17, Col 3:12, 1 Cor 13:4-7, 2 Cor 10:5


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